October marks the 30th anniversary of Inquire Europe.
What will the coming three decades bring? Throughout the year, we have delved into the research archive to examine how some of the themes and findings remain relevant today. However, it [...]
What will the coming three decades bring? Throughout the year, we have delved into the research archive to examine how some of the themes and findings remain relevant today. However, it [...]
For those who were unable to attend, we compiled the key takeaways of the presentation given by Lukasz Rachel, Affiliate of the London School of Economics. “Covid 19 has led to [...]
How can investors cope with volatility risk and inflation hedging in these unprecedented times? Marie Brière, Board Member of Inquire Europe, provides her in- depth insight. 1. Given that we remain in the [...]
Inquire Europe will host the second installment of their webinar series on 5 October. It will be open to the public, making it a unique and exciting opportunity to share knowledge [...]
Join the Inquire UK webinar on 2nd September where you will be hearing from Dori Levanoni, Chief Investment Strategist at First Quadrant. Date: September 2nd, 14.00 UKTitle: “Is the USD a safe haven?” His data-driven [...]
The next installment in our Nostalgic Research series is Flight to Safety, published in 2013. In periods of market stress, the financial press interprets extreme and inverse movements in the bond [...]
We are pleased to announce that Lukasz Rachel will present the first webinar in a new series hosted by Inquire Europe. The Covid-19 pandemic will unfortunately prevent Inquire Europe members from convening for the Autumn [...]
Hans Fahlin, Chairman of Inquire Europe, lends his insight to Dutch trade outlet ‘Pensioen Pro’. Investors believe that the tide will eventually turn for factor investing, but according to Dutch [...]
Does the quant investment industry need to consider reforms? Raul Leote de Carvalho, board member of Inquire Europe, provides his perspective in a new, extensive Q&A. How would you describe [...]
To what extent do mutual funds benefit from securities lending ? On June 9th Inquire UK will host Pedro Saffi for a webinar on how acquiring information from the lending market can [...]
The next installment in our Nostalgic Research series is Why Invest in Emerging Markets? The Role of Conditional Return Asymmetry, published in 2014. At the time of publication, interest and liquidity [...]
The COVID19 pandemic has ignited a global economic crisis. Peter Oertmann, Chairman of the Research Committee of Inquire Europe, took some time to provide his perspective on what is unfolding. [...]