If for any reason a member of Inquire Europe is not entirely satisfied with (any form of) the services provided by Inquire Europe, he/she can make this known by sending an e-mail to info@inquire-europe.org stating the nature of the complaint and a clear description of the complaint. All complaints are treated confidentially.
Inquire Europe will contact you within 5 working days of receipt of the complaint, in any case by e-mail, and explain the procedure surrounding the complaint. Complaints will be settled as soon as possible, but no later than four weeks after the date of receipt. If a longer period of time is required to investigate a complaint, he/she will be informed within the set period of time, explaining the postponement. Inquire Europe will also indicate when Inquire Europe expects to be able to answer.
If an Inquire Europe member does not agree with the ruling on the complaint, an independent mediator, the costs of which will be borne proportionately. The parties will jointly try to reach an amicable solution. If no agreement is reached, Karin de Jong from De Jong Administration Services (www.dejongadministratie.nl) will act as independent mediator. The opinion of the mediation is binding on Inquire Europe; any consequences will be dealt with quickly by Inquire Europe.
The Inquire Europe member is not authorized to suspend his payment obligations due to complaints. Complaints and the method of handling are registered by Inquire Europe and stored for 1 year.