The prize committee of Inquire Europe decided to award the prize for the Autumn Seminar 2018 seminar to Benjamin Hübel (Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg).
It’s with great pleasure that we would like to announce Gerard Hübel as the award winner from our Autumn Seminar 2018, for his presentation titled “Performance of socially responsible portfolios: The role of CSR exposures and CSR ratings”
Jean Francois Boulier (Chairman of the Prize Committee): “The award recognizes both the content of the paper and the delivery of the presentation.The prize committee enjoyed the clarity of the talk and the real practical interest of the study presented.
The feedback from the attendees at the seminar was also excellent which shows it was also convinced of the quality and the relevance of paper presented.
We congratulate our winner, and we are delighted this paper was submitted to Inquire”.