Harald Lohre has been involved with Inquire Europe since 2010 and has been a member of the Research Committee for over 3 years. What keeps him involved?
He looks back on his most memorable seminar experience:
“My first Inquire Europe seminar was truly memorable as I was invited to present my sponsored doctoral research on momentum strategies in Rome. Having presented this work at many conferences and seminars before, I was genuinely surprised about the wide range of thoughtful comments and suggestions put forward by the Inquire audience. Of course, this relates to Inquire’s unique discussion setup that engages participants to truly understand and challenge what is presented. Naturally, this maximizes the participants’ learning and helps attract excellent speakers, ultimately contributing to an outstanding seminar experience.”
Lohre also reflects on what makes the Inquire Europe community unique:
“The members of Inquire Europe comprise many of the best minds in quantitative investing on the continent, eager to investigate and push the boundaries of quantitative investment research. As a quantitative asset manager, we think it is vital to actively contribute to Inquire Europe as it puts us at the forefront of the most promising developments and ideas which helps to advance our investment propositions.”
What did you miss most about not being able to attend the annual spring and fall seminars in 2020?
“I miss travelling to a diverse array of European cities, often refreshingly distant from the financial centres. Travel broadens the mind and is thus the perfect antidote to becoming narrow-minded. Plus: it’s a lot of fun being around like-minded people. Naturally, I am very much missing the unique Inquire camaraderie that permeates any Inquire seminar.”
Learn more about the activities of the Research Committee: Q&A Peter Oertmann on work of the research committee