Kempinski Hotel Corvinus, Budapest, Hungary
Keynote address: Does ESG Investing Make Financial Sense?
Alex Edmans (London Business School)
Keynote address: The Sustainability Footprint of Institutional Investors
Philipp Krüger (Geneva Finance Research Institute)
ESG Preference and Market Efficiency: Evidence from Mispricing and Institutional Trading
Xintong Zhan (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Shareholder Engagement on Environmental, Social, and Governance Performance
Tamas Barko (University of Mannheim
ESG Integration: Value, Growth and Momentum
Lars Kaiser (University of Liechtenstein)
Integrating ESG in Portfolio Construction
Margaret Stumpp (Quantitative Management Associates LLC)
Credit alpha and CO2 reduction: A portfolio manager approach
Ulf G Erlandsson (Strukturinvest)
Performance of socially responsible portfolios: The role of CSR exposures and CSR ratings
Benjamin Hübel (Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg)
Institutional Investors and Corporate Social Responsibility
Abhishek Varma (llinois State University)